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Vehicle history by VIN

Check for free if the car you want to buy has been damaged

We will search of vehicle damages in Poland, Europe and the USA. You will receive information whether any damage has been registered.You will be asked to pay only if you want to see any detailed information of the damages.`

It is free

What is the difference between a vehicle history by VIN and a traditional VIN decoding?

In our case, you can really verify a vehicle free of charge using its VIN number and find out whether any damage has been registered.

You will only pay if you want to see any detailed information related to the damages.

It is accurate

Is our verification of a vehicle’s history using its VIN number accurate?

We have access to the biggest vehicle damage database in Poland, in Europe and in the USA.

This should serve as a reply - yes, it’s accurate!

What exactly will you find in the detailed vehicle history using the VIN number?

Value of damages
Information on total loss
The precise location of damage
Dates of damages
Registered mileages
Vehicle history records in chronological order
Countries in which damage has been registered
Advice - questions to the seller

*The data can be complete or partial, depending on the specific damage and on the completeness of information in the database.

Wrecked vehicle

You will receive information immediately and... avoid losing money on buying the wrong car

Get the VIN number from the ad or from the seller
Type in the VIN number into the window on our site and click “VERIFY”
You will receive a set of information on what has been found in our databases

See what your VIN-decoding report might look like

Check the vehicle history now